"… a Mediterranean cruise up the Yangtze!"
-- Wig
Folk Alliance International (FAI) 37th Annual Conference
Montréal, Québec, Canada
February 19 - 23, 2025

As a multilingual global fusion singer and musician I will be attending the next Folk Alliance International (FAI) 37th Annual Conference to take place February 19 - 23, 2025 at the Le Centre Sheraton Montréal Hotel in Montréal, Québec, Canada. I will be presenting my global music private showcase performances as well as a diverse selection of fabulous artists in the Chairman George Productions Private Showcase room.
The FAI Conference is the world’s largest gathering of the folk music community and industry and the annual February conference draws over 3,000 artists and industry dedicated to folk music. The FAI is an international arts nonprofit and NEA-designated National Arts Service Organization based in Kansas City, Missouri, USA and exists to keep the tradition of folk music thriving through preservation, presentation, and promotion. Unity is Diversity!
George works continuously to perfect the art using his abundant capacities to help bring people together in a merry way He combines his creative songwriting, his animated energy, his vibrant, heart-touching voice, and his love of everyone to connect with the audience and to connect the audience members with each other. He presents songs sung warmly and fluently in many languages from many cultures to highlight the beauty of human diversity, and in doing so, subtly hints at the potential for us all to be a part of human unity - and all while we are having an engaging and delightful time. If George is performing near you, don't miss the opportunity for you and your family to experience this excellent adventure.
-- Bill Kelly NewPower99
His use of language unifies people from many cultures. He is certainly a unique and cherished member of the global entertainment community. Not just a musician but a performance artist.
-- Stuart Whitney
Chairman George

A rock bouzouki-playing Greek Canadian ex-civil servant with a PhD in statistics who is a star in China.
1 billion fans can’t be wrong:
In China, George is Elvis.
In Canada, George is Greek.
About Chairman George
World music? Try worlds music. Award winning Greek-Canadian singer, songwriter, band leader and recording artist George Sapounidis aka 'Chairman' George has been called a poster boy for Canadian multiculturalism and is a polyglot who sings international folksongs in more than 15 languages. Born and raised in Canada with Greek roots in Asia Minor, he performed earlier in his career under the Greek moniker Ouzo Power, then later as ‘Chairman’ George to audiences in the world's most populous nation: 40 performance tours of China in 25 cities including at the Beijing Summer Olympic Games, the Great Hall of the People, the Forbidden City Concert Hall and on stage beside some of China's pop and classical music icons. In 2015 he reached the finals of a nationally televised musical competition in Beijing viewed by tens of millions of Chinese viewers. He is two-time subject of Canadian CTV-BBC and Chinese television documentaries, two-time Athens and Beijing Olympics Torch Bearer and two-time nominee for Best World Music at the Canadian Folk Music Awards. In 2018 he and his band released the groundbreaking Greek-Chinese fusion album Bringing the Greek Party to China! at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, Canada.
During the summers of 2021-2023 Chairman George expanded his repertoire by creating a multilingual extravaganza called the Global Songalong developed by appearing seated on a bench on a walking path at Britannia Park in Ottawa and giving impromptu displays of songs in multiple languages for passers-by. People from all over the world would stop to listen to songs from their culture. It was a magical moment when Chairman George performed a Persian folksong for the former mayor of Kabul, Afghanistan. Unity. It’s in short supply at the moment. Enter Chairman George, to bring cultures, civilizations and worlds new and old together. Join Chairman George for a musical world tour, no flight tickets required! George Sapounidis holds a Ph.D. in mathematical statistics from the University of Toronto, Canada.