"… a Mediterranean cruise up the Yangtze!"

ALBUM RELEASE October 17, 2018

National Arts Centre - Ottawa, Ontario
October 17 & 18, 2018

Album Cover - Bringing the Greek Party to China

Bringing the Greek Party to China!

From ancient cultures are born revolutionary sounds. Driven by a determination to reimagine songs of the ages as sounds for our age, Greek-Canadian Chairman George presents a unique form of artistic fusion – one where the bouzouki cohabits with the pipa, where melodic Greek songs are performed in Mandarin, one where there are no borders. It’s a Mediterranean cruise up the Yangtze, and this is the soundtrack. In an era of too much conflict, Chairman George brings worlds together in celebration. And in dance.

Producer: Ross Murray

Number of Tracks: 11

Musicians: George Sapounidis (vocal, bouzouki), Ross Murray (drums), Stuart Watkins (bass), Yadong Guan
(pipa), Fred Guignion (guitar), Zichan Yang (guzheng)

Guest Musicians: Dave Bignall: guitar, Lan Tung: erhu, Jeff Rogers: keyboards, Ana Miura: backing vocals