Chairman George goes to PRISON

I’ll be doing time in JAIL this weekend. Will go to Bordeaux Prison in north Montreal to a smaller prison called Maison Tanguay. It is a prison for women. They will be showing Chairman George there for 12 women inmates , and I’ll do the surprise entrance right after. I’m very curious about that . Never been to a jail before ! Don’t know what to expect … I would like to meet the women , talk to them , ask them about themselves . It is being organized by Docs Entre Elles, by Aleksandra Zajko whom I met at the Rencontres Intl de Doc de Montreal last November.
Very admirable. Signing out , CG

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous on March 8, 2006 at 2:06 pm

    Thank you so much for coming and spending some time with the women! Your presence was more than appreciated!
    Hugs from all of us,